As part of my reading challenge for 2021, I aim to read 12 books related to tech, because as a data scientist and programmer, I believe it’s important to read and keep up with the research in this fast-paced industry. So here are the 12 books on my reading list, thoughtfully selected for each month:
JANUARY - start the year by learning how to get AI (and your life) under controlFEBRUARY – get over Valentine’s Day with a book about the lovely applications of AI MARCH – read this on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21st)APRIL – stay healthy and read this book on the International Health Day (7th)MAY – celebrate Labour Day by reading about the future job market influenced by AIJUNE – a book to reflect on your humanness amidst the tech surrounding youJULY – get work done and learn about the value of AI for businessAUGUST – learn how technologies reinforce White supremacy and social inequitySEPTEMBER – optimize your life by applying algorithms to everyday tasksOCTOBER – work on your trust issued by reading about safe(r) AI applicationsNOVEMBER – demand responsibility and fairness from tech companies and apps DECEMBER – make a highlight of this inside story about that app you’re addicted to